Mark and Lazaro (OCs)
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- gender: trans man
- sexuality: bisexual and demisexual
- age: varies depending on story, 30s here
At first impression Lazaro is stand-offish, but it just takes a while for him to trust someone. He is judgemental and likes gossip, but will fiercly defend his close friends. Not afraid to argue or express his opinion. Stubborn. A perfectionist who is terrified of failure.
Depends on the story, but is generally from a strict family as the oldest siblling. Talented from a young age and boasted as a source of pride, until he gets older and fails to live up to expectations, where he becomes the family disapointment. After trying and failing he eventually turns to acting out and failing on purpose as a teen, but secretly wants to make his parents proud.
Currently a human, a Vulcan in my Star Trek AU, has been a mage, and was a vampire in his very first iteration.
Appearance and Style
- 5'10" (177cm)
- thin but not lean, sturdy legs
- undercut or long hair, receeding temples
- somewhat angular face
- deep eyebags regardless of age
- overbite
Somewhat flamboyant and prefers classy styles. Gold dangly earings, sometimes other jewlery.
Outfit Notes
(A few selections have additional info, which will display below.)

- gender: questioning, amab, lives as a man but has a troubled relationship with manhood
- sexuality: gay for men
- age: varies depending on story, 30s here
Mark is very quiet around new people and generally shy, but much prefers the company of loved ones to being alone. Highly adverse to conflict and just wants people to like him, people pleaser. Cares deeply for everyone and will do what he can to help.
Originally a playful and earnest child, he was quickly bullied into a quiet and deeply self concious teen by his dad and peers for being too feminine. Raised in a rural conservative area. It took him a while to come to terms with his sexuality, but he still has conflicting feelings about his gender.
A werewolf in his first iteration, but currently just a human.
Appearance and Style
- 5'5"
- fat, not pear or apple shaped, but inbetween
- hairy
- curly hair, can be short to long
- round, rosy cheeks
- large nose
Primarly comfort based style, somewhat middle aged mom-esq when comfortable enough to be fem.
Outfit Notes
(A few selections have additional info, which will display below.)
Dress up game!

More outfits to come!
Mark and Lazaro are boyfriends/husbands! Mark was initially intimidated by Lazaro, but they eventually came to know and confide in each other. Lazaro encourages Mark to stand up for himself, and Mark encourages Lazaro to be less critical of himself.
In my Star Trek AU, they bond over being outsiders, who never fit in their home, but don't fit in Starfleet either.
How I made the art for the dress up game!

First I made a very rough sketch of my OCs. I haven't drawn characters in a while so it was extra rough. I wouldn't like the sketches alone, but I planned on making it digital, and knew I could heavily edit them.

I use the mirror and transform tools to make the proportions and posing of my characters better from the sketch.

There was at least one rougher digital sketch between this and the traditional sketch, since this is too neat, but I must have deleted them. I believe I had made guidelines for them and worked from there, again using the mirror and transform tools. This sketch is the very last one before the line art. In medibang paint on my phone I use a brush without varying width to sketch.

The finished line art! On my phone I fake pen pressure by altering the brush settings.

Said brush settings, important is both "pen pressure size" and "fade in/out" being selected. The minimum size must also be less than 100% to work. This only works for a few of Medibang Paint's brushes though.

I sketched the clothes digitally ontop of my character bases. The initial digital sketches of my characters would have looked more rough like this.