rediscover myself I am not a brand, I am a person with a variety of interests, hobbies, opinions, and experiences! My website has a home for all of them ❤
make new friends I am not competing with other artists for views. I look enamoured at other peoples websites, comment on things I adore or relate to, and they do the same to mine. I am not on the defense from people who assume the worst in everyone, ready to jump on poorly worded sentance. I take peoples words in good faith with assurance they'll do the same for me.
record what I've learned As an abysmal paper note taker/organizer, webpages allow me to organize my knowlege easily, letting me link pages non linearly, and reorganize, correct, and add information as needed
explore new places Outside of google's landscape of ads, I find from personal webartists carefully curated sections of links, full of useful and interesting sites.
share my knowlege to help others I love helping when I can, so I make web guides for anyone to use, nothing other than internet and a browser needed to view. These guides will remain for anyone to use as long as my site is up